Our machines are manufactured around a rigid structure, and can be modified to suit your specific area of use. A counter spindle and tailstock are available as options.
2、适合各种复杂应用的高精度机床,也适用于硬车削 。
The perfect high-precision machine for complex applications, also suitable for hard turning
3、高精度径向刀塔VDI30 Trifix可用于主轴和副主轴上的加工操作。 12刀位的转塔刀盘由集成式马达驱动,该马达的设计转速高达12,000 rpm。
The high-precision radial turret VDI30 Trifix can be used both for main spindle and sub-spindle operations. The 12 turret stations are driven by an integrated motor designed for speeds up to 12,000 rpm.